Buna fetelor. Acum doua zile am avut prima mea "tentativa" de "feather nails" si va spuneam pe facebook ca imi faceam griji ca la mana dreapta nu imi vor iesi, insa nu a fost asa, arata acceptabil, zic eu. :)
Dar mai bine va las pe voi sa imi spuneti ce credeti.
EN: Hello girls. Two days ago I tried to do feather nails and I was telling you on my facebook that I am worried cuz' it won't look cool on the right hand, but it did look ok.
Tell me what you think.
Dar mai bine va las pe voi sa imi spuneti ce credeti.
EN: Hello girls. Two days ago I tried to do feather nails and I was telling you on my facebook that I am worried cuz' it won't look cool on the right hand, but it did look ok.
Tell me what you think.
In caz ca va tenteaza si pe voi va las tutorialul cu pricina:
EN: Here's the tutorial that inspired me:
Presimt ca data viitoare imi vor iesii si mai bine!!!!!!!!
Va tuc! Zi faina.
EN: I think that next time I will do them better.
Kissez. Have a nice day.