NOTD- Summer flower nails/ Manichiura nude si flori de vara

Buna fetelor, ce mai faceti? Ce purtati pe unghii in vara asta?
Eu am inceput sa ma dau in vant dupa flori si tribale (o sa vedeti in postul urmator despre e este vorba). Astazi o sa va arat unul din modele mele favorite cu flori pe care l-am purtat cam vreo saptamana. Hmm, nu stiu de ce dar am observat ca pe mine ma tine manichiura foarte mult timp, daca nu m-as plictisi cred ca mi-as face unghiile din doua in doua saptamani. Tare, nu?

EN: Hello girls, how are you? What are you wearing on your nails this summer?

I' ve started to like the flower and the tribal designs (I'll show you in my next post what am I talking about), but today I'm gonna show you one of my favourite nail art flower designs that I wore it for a week. Hmm, I don't know why but I noticed that my manicure resits long time, and I think that if I'm not getting bored of it I would paint my nails from two to two weeks. Cool , ha?

Sper ca va plac. Aaa si apropo m-am gandit ca de acum inainte sa postez mai multe tutoriale, cred ca ar fi mai util, nu?

EN: I hope you like it. Aaa and btw from now on I think I would post more nails tutorials, I think it would be more useful, right?

With love, 